Wednesday, September 22, 2010



Sometimes I feel like I need to be noticed by everyone
Sometimes I feel like Jim Carey
Sometimes I look like Tim Curry. . .
Sometimes . . . I like to miss my bus.
Sometimes I feel like a fly on the wall, listening to things I don't want to hear.
Sometimes. . .
Sometimes I am a fool. . . Okay a lot more than sometimes.
Sometimes I want to build a rocket.
Sometimes I just want to be silent.
Sometimes I feel like the most insignificant speck of nothing.
Sometimes I want to flip my boogers on tailgater's windshields.
Sometimes I feel dark.
Sometimes I just want to be alone.
Sometimes I love rap.
Sometimes I want to shrivel up and die.
Sometimes I trip on flat surfaces.
Sometimes I get the point across
Sometimes I laugh and cry.
Sometimes. . . I stub my toe.
Somteimes I misspell everything.
Sometimes I get angry.
Sometimes I taste happy.
Sometimes I don't act.
Sometimes I look both ways.
Sometimes I get stung by a bee.
Sometimes I feel trapped.
Sometimes I just need a good friend.
Sometimes I wish I could fly.
sometimes bad things happen.
Sometimes I'm caught off guard.
Sometimes I don't sometimes.
All the time I am who I am.