Monday, November 22, 2010

Today was cold! I didn't think much on it as I ran out the door to catch my bus this morning. But when a particularly severe breath of Old Man Winter found its way down my throat, it promptly frumpled and wizzled away. Of course I had to breath again, so my throat reinflated, if not begrudgingly.

Today has been. . . . interesting to say the least.

BUT before I go on, I just have to mention the milestone (Not millstone) in my life has come and gone. I hit 6 months being married to my amazing wife! The good new is that she hasn't killed me yet! Naa, just kidding. But seriously.

We had an awesome time, eating sushi and then laughing so hard it almost came back up. To you my love, here's to the future.

Today,the climax of my day came and went before 1:00. Now its kind of on the downward slope. I had a physics test today. It ended up being a bit more. . .how should I put it, digestable(?), than I thought. I made it out with all fingers and toes accounted for.
Boy, its going to be a great day when that class ends!

What was the last creative thing you've done?

Friday, November 19, 2010

A Quick Minute

How busy are you in a day?
Do you have a little time to stop? To breath?
Can you stop and sigh that sigh?
Enjoy the view for that split second, or meditate for that infinitesimal space of time?

If or when you get a pause, how do you spend it?
FOCUSED? Disjointed? Unconventionally? Unproductively?
Are you selfish with your moment, or do you think outside your box?
Who do you think about?

I am a focused, disjointed thinker that is selfish most of the time.
Missing a bigger picture, another view, or a more important person.
How busy am I today?

Will I say: too busy for you?

Just enough time for me?

Or do I think of you?
How you feel in your moments?
What is your view of?
Do you feel disjointed?

Today in my quick minute, I'm thinking of you,
where you are,
what your doing,
and how much you mean to me.

In this quick minute, I just want you.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


This morning the sky was blue! I practically ripped the blinds off their strings in an attempt to get a better view. Pink fluffy clouds, and blue, blue skies!

On the bus, the sun was blasting over the tops of the mountains, setting buildings, air and people on fire. . . .figuratively, not literally, although that would have been interesting.

My favorite part of this morning was waking up next to my wife cuddled close to me.

Walking to class, leafs crunched, not squished, beneath my feet. Light from the sun made the different colors glow. And it helped that the ground crews of the University were piling up huge mounds of leaves to be bagged. I had to restrain myself from kicking up a few piles. I think I would have become Utah's most wanted.

I'm looking forward to what the rest of today has in store for me. I have found my positive-link to this day and I'm not letting it go.

The other day I was talking to my sister on the phone. In the background I heard barking and barking, I thought she had gotten a dog, and had terrible flash backs of her first dog: LUCY.

But no apparently its the dog next door, her living room window looks out into their backyard. Every time she opens the window, the dog barks its brains out. It's a big fluffy Akita. Every time I see those dogs I just want to give it a big hug, but then it might just bite my face off.

If that happened I would just say: "Its not my dog!"

Yesterday my pen connected with paper,
and the ideas flowed out.
I wrote some pretty interesting things,
and the most amazing store came out of it,
it almost had a mind of its own,
writing itself there in my notebook.
I'm excited to see where it will go.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I wish you could see my city, on the top of the world. I hear it was founded by explorers that were following the North Star. They sought to bridge the gap between our world and there, where ever there is. They failed, of course, but in remembrance of their struggle, loss and quest for that star, they named the city "Erer-Ishk-Noriska" or "Jewel of the North".
The first city was rumored to be built entirely of Ice and Snow, many of the explorers stayed to live, others left to explore more, still others strove to find that bridge. Those that chose to were never heard from again. It is said, they were taken in the Lights of the Sky, to Iosto Noriska, the North Star, to dwell with those who came before.

But I do not believe that fairy tale, Byorna Babista says there was no bridge to begin with, she says they were fools to even come here. Of course she says that about any human, well begin a bear will do that to you. Grandmother Bear has been with us since before I was born, she is the oldest of the Byorna-myst, or Bear servant, for lack of a better word.
We have about fifteen in our home. They tend the fires, care for the grounds and guard the gates to my families estate. Father says we live symbiotically with them. Father says we provide the bears organized shelter, society and work, they in turn provide information about the North, workers for our foundries and guides through this frozen wilderness.

I think Father likes to confuse me with the big words he knows, Father does that because he is a scientist, the greatest ones that has ever lived. He's traveled around the globe over fifty times. Father thinks there once was a bridge to Noriska, that is why we are here, but I don't think so.
Father says I think more like a bear than a human. Father leaves for his great expedition today, I guess we will see soon enough.

Father has given me this book to write in. I asked him what I'm suppose to write about, he said, "Your dreams, your experiences, and your thoughts. When you look back on your life you will want to remember these things."
So I guess that's what I'm going to do.
Right now, being the son of world famous explorer, I want to be one to. Just like my Father.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wintery Adventure

Today I want an adventure.
One preferably in the snow.
I saw it falling from the sky today and couldn't help but smile, of course I was looking out from the warmth and comfort of my home and a hot cup of cocoa.

But I yearn for adventure, a white blizzard, a silent wall of white, a sea of ice, a mountain of cold, a valley of frozen depths, a tundra.

I need a compass, an armored bear, and my demon at my side.
Where is Iorek Byrnison when you need him?

I need to find a wardrobe, with a witch, a lion and a talking beaver inside.

Oh, a side note. One of my oldest and dearest friends is at this moment boarding a plan, and flying it back into my life. I haven't seen them in three years, and I can't wait to see them. Its been to long, and I am excited to renew our friendship, share experiences and just see each other face to face.
Its almost as if Christmas is here now.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

An Ode to Beginnings

What does one think when confronted by a beginning?
When the mountain is before them, or the road twisting onwards, what will one say?
What would you feel for a beginning? Anxiety, weakness or fear?
When would your heart rate speed up? When your feet are in the cradle of the starting line? In the first breath of life? Or the flutter of first wing?
Where will your beginning take you? Left or right? Up or down? This way or that?
How will I make it, what will this profit me, when will it end?

So many glittering shimmering fears, reflected in the light of our own aura, own understanding and sight. The calm before the storm, the dark mouth of the tunnel, the first scratches of ink on paper or first bars of a song sung.

How much do we really fear the beginning, when it is just short of the best part. Our abilities, and talents begin to stretch. Our minds to open and our faith to grow. We are a new day, clear with no mistakes, we choose how to react and think.

The beginning of a week, the start of a job, the first day of school, a first birthday, a new day, a new moon, a new cycle, the beginnings of a storm, the unfurling of a kite, a bubble being blown into life, a firework fuse lit, a love rekindled, true love found in first sight, the brushing of hands or kissing of lips, the turning of a piston, the flick of a switch, the ring of a phone, the pull of a plug, the match to the wick, the needle to threat, the wheat with the water, the rain to a seed, the wish that becomes a dream, the flash that proceeds the boom, the drop before the deluge, the dark before the light.

What will you do for your beginning? Will you squander it in apprehension and fear, will you be pulled by the wind and pushed from your goal? Will you step away from your beginning and back down from that hill? Will you look the other way and say, "Its not my dog."

Or will you step forward into the dark, cry out your faith, your passion and zeal for life. Will you greet the dawn, challenge that mountain and face that fear.

Will you start to finish? Will you claim your end and say with a voice loud and clear:

I have fought the good fight,
I have stayed the course,
I have kept the faith.

Friday, November 5, 2010


The other day I was running round and round a track. My goal that day was to run the mile and get to class. Just as I was about to finish my mile, I had this sudden urge to keep going. My mind had this split second battle with itself as I saw the end in sight, and before I knew it the line was flashing by and my feet were still going. It felt good.

As I kept going I could feel myself growing tired, but not one to back down when my mind gets me into these things, I pushed myself, encouraging, always looking to the end, keeping it in sight.

4 laps to go....

3 laps to go....

I could feel my body working, my lungs pumping, my feet hitting the floor. My rhythm beat itself out steadily with my heart beat and breath. I felt one with my body, my surroundings.

2 laps to go....

Keep going, there's no point in stopping now.

1 lap to go....

I suddenly didn't want to stop running, my breathing was coming more shallowly, and it was harder to push myself, but my feet kept thumping the floor, I couldn't stop. My side was on fire, breathing deeply to get air, I felt sweat running down my back and face.

Don't stop now.

And there it was, the finishing line, the end, and it flashed by.

I reached my goal, Two miles straight. I was gasping, and cramping up everywhere, but I fulfilled, elated, and proud that I stuck to my goal.

Its funny now to think about it, this thought comes to mind:

If I were my own dog, I would have said, "That's my dog."

Monday, November 1, 2010

Complexities of a Simle Idea

It's a new month! Crazy! November here we come. I know Halloween is over and all, but I'm going to continue posting short stories here, for practice and such. So yeah, this should be interesting.

This week I've decided to live Facebook free, it should be interesting. I think I'll feel more accomplished with my focus on real-life relationships (those that are happening face to face or physcially around my body). We shall see.

Anyway, I decided to not wear my headphones on the bus today, in turn I was able to have a interesting discussion involving: Football, Halloween recap and movies.

With the invention of inner ear silence I walked to my classes with the sounds of November Autumn all around me, I had to deviate from my regular routine to crunch through leaves, smell cool grass, look at bare trees, and see the world from a slightly different perspective: two feet to the left.

It was all quite refreshing.
As I'm sure the rest of my walks outside will be.

I also saw a woman who looked like she was blowing kisses at me. After double taking, I realized she was blowing kisses to her car. After two more feet and a tripple take I realized she was trying to lock her car from a distance, pointing the clicker to the left, then the right. Dancing on one foot, while sticking the clicker under her chin, and in front of her mouth.

I wonder if it ever locked.